Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Tim Best

SMU, MFA 2014

Love Letter #1

paper and archival inkjet prints, 2014, 5"w x 8"h

Dear Model,

I long to see the light, diffused by the overcast sky, wrap around the landscape. Illumination reveals the topography and shows us variations in the landscape. These variations form hiding places that relax into each other. Only a map can tell us where these places are. I have never been to this place. We won’t go very far, and the weather will be overcast, providing an ideal backdrop for our time together. Time is what we have in this cool place. Gray tones give way to rich colors. I ask not that you give your heart to me but to the time we have together, to  make images that will be impressed upon our memories forever.


Tim Best - Love Letter #1

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