Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Kristin Cammermeyer


2011, Mixed media on assembled plywood, 88"w x 82"h

In the urban landscape I draw upon the accumulation
of diverse visual material that reflects the culture and evidence of time and also affects of the environment.
I am particularly interested in the arbitrary, yet
seemingly composed moments that can occur in
these juxtapositions. I find comfort in these situations that suggest a collective consciousness and elegant design in a seemingly haphazard world. Rehabilitation, reconstruction and repurposing strike me as responsible viewpoints of the urban organism that is under perpetual scrutiny and evaluation.

There is richness in the city’s surfaces that reveals generations of information cast with an arbitrary patina
of age. In this way, I consider the diversity of my painted and constructed surfaces, indicative of a particular
time, place and intention. I combine a diverse range of materials used in the construction industry, traditional art practices and street art. At times, I become the vandal upon my work with deliberate disregard of the painted surface. Another moment, a discriminating artist, employing formalist technique to unify the piece.
The resolution of these contradictory mentalities culminate in unique visual circumstances that reflect
the urban experience.

Kristin Cammermeyer - Sprawl

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