Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Joey Cocciardi

Omni-Heat Skyscape

2012, Beeswax and chrome, 19"w x 25"h

I separate my studio practice into two parts: what I do outside of the studio and what happens when I return. Outside I walk with an aim to become disoriented.
What happens in the studio is a continuation of this process. I find moments when materials interact at this same transitional point. I am looking for the moment in the work when materials are at the brink of doing something seemingly unnatural, strange and unfamiliar. Materials may stand in for the body at times and sit at a transitional point between atmosphere and emotion. The materials and their relationship to one another are used to evoke feelings of orientation and disorientation, confronting and being confronted. It is at this transitional point where I feel they are an extension of the experience achieved and captured with the work that happens out in the world.


Joey Cocciardi - Omni-Heat Skyscape


  1. Tim says:
    November 8th, 2012 at 2:59 pm


  2. Dan says:
    November 12th, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    Very Impressive!

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