Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Sarindar Dhaliwal

Mother with Sisters

2010, Digital Chromira print, 68"w x 14"h

Mother and Daughters and Mother with Sisters are digital prints that are composites of stills from my first film/video project Olive, Almond & Mustard. In Britain in the 1950s and 60s my mother would insist on rubbing olive oil (sometimes almond or mustard oil) into her daughters’ hair and then braiding and putting ribbons in it. She would also wash our hair in warmed-up homemade yoghurt. Olive, Almond & Mustard records this alienating experience– exacerbated by the political and journalistic diatribes against immigrants in England at that time. My mother’s insistence on this grooming ritual, common in the country of her birth (India) was at odds with my desire to assimilate into the culture of my adopted homeland.


Sarindar Dhaliwal - Mother with Sisters

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