Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Carly McAskill

Carly McAskill

graphite on paper, 2013, 23"w x 30"h

The multilayered images in my drawings and collage work explore identity through meditation on place, time, presence and inheritance. I believe in the powers of representation through collage: That is, if I visualize my fears in life, I may be able to cope with them. Anxiety is located in the dense layering that creates a sense of jostling identities, constantly being rearranged in different patterns, unable to be organized into a single stable system. The fragments are significant because they become a tool to tell a story and reflect a pattern. I use fragmentation as a visual strategy and methodology to recognize the instability of identities that are rooted in gender in order to define self within networks of memory, place, family and culture.

Carly McAskill - Carly McAskill

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