Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Monique Medeiros

Colour and Form #2

2011, Acrylic on canvas, 48"w x 48"h

My work explores the relationship between color and shape through the layering of angular acrylic forms and the contrast of opacities and transparencies. I aim to create compelling paintings that excite and stimulate the viewer’s perception of perspective, application, and process. Geometric imagery and the exploration of color have been unifying links throughout my work for many years. Jackson Pollock once stated, “It doesn’t make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.” In my practice, however, technique is treated as equal in value as the statement. The inception of my work is contingent upon the interrelation between the process and intent – one cannot exist successfully without the other.


Monique Medeiros - Colour and Form #2

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