Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Rafael Medina

There You Are

2010, Foam, metallic fabric, 7'w x 4'h x 4"d

You have arrived. Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, wedding announcement and celebrations all convey our need to express emotions that acknowledge markers and touchstones in life. Through this we acknowledge each other. These emotions are often best delivered through a Hallmark sentimentality that pervades our culture. As an enterprise Hallmark limits and subverts the richness of our experiences. The paradox here mirrors the subversive character of Liberace who infiltrated American homes and undermined the values
of his audience during some of the most conservative times in the country with his theatrics and excess.
I utilize the flair and celebratory aspects of the exterior
to draw attention to the paradox encoded in my material and language to create a dialogue between viewer and object. This reciprocal relationship plays w

Rafael Medina - There You Are

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