Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Laila Naqvi

BFA 2018

Daughter of the East (2)

Mixed media, 2017, 24"w x 36"h

When my mother returned home with holes in her car, as a result of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination in Pakistan (2008), I only prayed for everyone’s safety. I am expressing this trauma through this series of artwork. I am painting on Urdu newspaper as a reflection of the constant news updates on the conditions of a violent protest. Block-printing tools from Pakistan are used to create patterns, which are traditionally used in the Sindhi textile (Ajrak), highlighting the Sindhi culture of Bhutto. Finally, using paint splatters meant I had no control over the outcome, similar to Bhutto’s death.

Laila Naqvi - Daughter of the East (2)

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