Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Devon Nowlin

To Remember Me By. Regards, Shirley

2009, Oil on canvas, 45"w x 65"h

This is one painting in a series from 2009-10 in which I used old snapshot photographs, found at antique malls and junk stores, as reference materials for paintings. My selection of images and the techniques used for painting them were chosen to draw upon feelings of memory and nostalgia. This painting was the first in that series and holds particular significance to me because the woman resembles my paternal grandmother.


Devon Nowlin - To Remember Me By. Regards, Shirley

1 Comment

  1. valerie mitchell says:
    October 24th, 2011 at 9:55 am

    this one is by my desk, i sometimes walk by and wonder if i look like that sometimes—just watching and waiting on….

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