Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Deresia Scott

Tip Toe

2012, Ceramic, 4.75"w x 8.5"h x 3.5"d (each)

I have always had a strong interest in the human form and isolating certain portions of it. I find it to be absolutely beautiful. I find the odd angles and shapes the body can make especially interesting. I enjoy mimicking these forms and choosing portions to enhance, subdue or remove completely. My vision for this piece comes from a friend who was a dancer. As a child, I would accompany her to dance class every once in a while and watch her practice ballet. She would balance on her toes and her feet would have to be perfectly vertical. Because I also love the feeling of walking around barefoot, I left a rough, dirty texture similar to feet smashing around in mud or sand at the beach.

Deresia Scott - Tip Toe

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