Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Brittney Taylor

Material Mash Up (triptych)

2012, Gel transfer with oil on canvas, 16"w x 21"h (each)

This work investigates how the man-made waste of a country becomes valuable material for the poverty-stricken, which they use to build their homes, streets and cities. Mirroring a slum landscape, these pieces construct a landscape using different media and techniques. Staring into these areas from a distance–be it on the internet, on television, or in passing——we see a sea of shacks, a mass of people, a multitude of trash, and a patchwork of colors. But as we get closer, we see a home, a family, a person’s possessions, and rectangle of blue, yellow or brown metal supporting the side of a house.

Brittney Taylor - Material Mash Up (triptych)

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