Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Shirley Yanover

New Normal

2007, Acrylic on canvas, 60"w x 36"h

I have always been committed to working with “objects”, to the manipulation of objects released from their context, objects both found and invented. I look for the inherent meaning residing in things, drawing attention to their seductive pull and simultaneously investing them with a critical distance. I produce sculptural assemblages that incorporate layered meanings which collapse the given codes of cultural norms. Relationships occur. Meanings collide, collapse, and reorganize into an altered significance. The work disturbs the boundaries which lead to distinct forms/meanings/roles/identities, putting their authority into question.

muColour Chart is a mixed media assemblage which creates broken boundaries for an archival print of a color chart used in printing. Within the frame can be seen the textual information of the color specs on the edges of the chart. The inclusion of the text deconstructs the color chart, providing the technological rationale whereby the aesthetically beautiful colors of the grid are produced. The alternating gold and black units of the frame signify and put into question the coding of “the beautiful” as a cultural construct.


Shirley Yanover - New Normal

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