Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

Eugenie Davis

Fabricating Frontiers

2010, Oil and graphite board, 36”w x 47”h

My paintings are about paint and time and an accumulation of history. The process of application and removal of paint leaves evidence of its creation. The final result reveals an archaeological record and depicts spaces where resolution has occurred.

I paint in an instinctive manner and am inspired by the materiality of paint and the process of painting. The layers of paint and the present state of the work help direct my response in the next moment. Painting is a full being experience. I use my body’s memory and confidence to dance with the compositions. Intuition, subconsciousness and experience dictate each mark. I develop relationships with my paintings that reveal symbols of different aspects of my quirky ways and aesthetic sensibility.


Eugenie Davis - Fabricating Frontiers

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